Next part of the Garret-Event line will take place Sat. 31th 9pm GMT+1.
No restrictions on level or alignment.
Monsterraces won't be able to join though.
No restrictions on level or alignment.
Monsterraces won't be able to join though.
Nephtys wrote:Why do I always have to miss them :'(
Looking foward to your next event...
Will those event be just for fun or will they count whent he server is up for real?
Solarina wrote:Not realy a way into it from what I understand. I showed up for part of it but there was no RP hook into it so it would have made zero sense for my char to go on some random walk to god knows where for god knows what. Hope there are other events in the near future for those of us who weren't around for the beta start of this, or a way to get an RP hook into it in the future.